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Independent. People-centered. Always becoming.
Creative hub led by CHC.
Independent in Precarity / Online, via Zoom, February 17th 2021, 19h
How can non-institutional structures create and influence new modalities of operation? How can we sustain ourselves in our precarity?
“Independent in Precarity” is a series of talks about in/co/dependency and possibilities for small-scale art organizations in the region and Europe.
First talk was held on February 17th, via Zoom and live-streamed on Culture Hub Croatia’s Facebook page.
Participating initiatives:
– Brodac Gallery, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (Mak Hubjer)
– U10, Belgrade, Serbia (Sanda Kalebić)
– Pararoja, Tirana, Albania (Olson Lamaj)
On Circling, Katarina Šoškić / Online, via Zoom, January 30th 2021, 19h
“On Circling” was the first in the series of CHCtalks in the framework of the project Voids2021. On the first day of the programme, we hosted Katarina Šoškić and talked about her ongoing artistic research “The Tourist: zones, seasons and fields in-between”, particularities of touristic landscapes and tourist gaze and how she relates her personal experiences as a tourist with the ones of a photographer and a researcher.
Katarina Šoškić is an artist and photographer from Belgrade, based in Vienna. She is interested in the potency of an image – the way its narrative qualities could be employed to question social structures. She uses photography and words to research and analyze social phenomenon, culture and subculture, impacts of tradition and history, construction of social roles and underlying psychological mechanisms. The choice of taking certain position, possibilities of switching points of view and questioning the diversity of possible truths she finds most challenging in her work. Since October 2016, she is a candidate for PhD in Artistic Research at the University of Applied Arts Vienna with her ongoing investigation on traveling, tourism and coastal tourist zones. Parallel to this, she works as a photographer commissioned in the field of portrait, fashion and reportage photography.
Katarina Šoškić, Tourist Agency / Split, Nepotova 1 (exchange office), January 30 & 31st 2021, 16-19h
“The Tourist: zones, seasons, and fields in between” is a working title of Katarina Šoškić’s ongoing study at the University of Applied Arts, where she is a candidate for PhD in Artistic Research since 2016. It serves as a sample for her investigation on the tools of research, namely photography and written word, their codependency and potential necessity. Through layering of narratives she tests possibilities of subjectivity, curious what this approach could bring to the general production of knowledge. “Tourist Agency” is an audio-video installation that reflects the second stage of this research, its questions and insights.
Mia Kevo, Common Sense / Split, Nepotova 1 (exchange office), February 14th & 15th 2021, 16-19h
Common sense can be conceptualized as / third space / open space / collective space, as something that belongs to all of us through the spatial configuration of our own being / our own body. The spaces of mine and ours activities thus become points where the tourist agency or exchange office, the so-called third space / open space / collective space is revealed as an opportunity to create a place of possible encounter through creative action. By transforming the original role and the original reasons for coming to this already purposefully defined space, physical and mental spaces are questioned, so that entrances and exits into the space of the third become real and imaginative, concrete and abstract, and metaphorically reflect the emptiness faced by each person / society.
Lana Stojićević, Intervention in the facade / Split, Plančićeva 2 (in front of the creative hub Prostor)
Alternative reality workshop with Lucija Klarić / Split, September 8th 2021
Alternative reality workshop consists of creation of a collective imaginary that offers an alienated view of real spaces and dissolves the possibility of reinterpreting our reality. In the first part of the work-shop, using the methodology of LARP games, together we tried to reach a consensus on who we are, what we are and why we are here. This scenario, before we upgraded it, implied several conditions: one of them is that we are aware of the position that we are absolute foreigners in Split and that we adopt this as an inherent quality. The second was that we would not rely on factual data and what we nominally know as the identity and history of the Mediterranean and Split but would instead insist on a completely alienated approach as much as possible. The third premise contributes to this, as we imagine ourselves as beings who are not primarily visual. Instead of relying on visual imputs, we tried to build the story and history of us as a group of beings who arrived to Split; experience it and explore through the senses of touch and hearing.
The goal was for each participant to find one point, a precise geographical location for which they would create their own narrative, fictitious purpose or history that no one has yet recognized because it “lived” in some parallel, (our) dimension. In creating narratives, it was also necessary to give at least one or multiple instructions on how to enter this alternative reality: in order for others to be able to see the world with our “eyes,” we must explain how and place them in our sensory structure. In this way, we have created a map of the city center that resembles an open-world game scenario – each point is one more insight into our alternate reality. The stories are audio documented and transferred to a digital repository, ie a digital map so that in the future others can walk through our world and experience it. The map also includes a pre-narrative – who and why conceived this “city within a city” map – so that those who get acquainted with the rules of its creation can subsequently join the replenishment of this fictional network.
“Misplaced Women?” – performance workshop by Tanja Ostojić / Split, 6th – 8th April 2021
Tanja Ostojić’s performance workshop “Misplaced Women?” was held from 6th to 8th April 2021 in Split. A total of five participants, selected on the basis of an open call, attended the workshop: Mia Bradić, Ines Borovac, Katarina Duplančić, Lissette Nicole Josseau and Alejandra Robles Sosa, and for the performance the workshop leader and organizers from CHC also joined. A public presentation showcasing the results of the workshop was held on April 8th in the Amphitheater of the Youth Center (Dom Mladih), with participants sharing reflections after their performances.
“Misplaced Women?” is an art project by Tanja Ostojić consisting of performances, series of performances, workshops and delegated performances, which has been running since 2009, so we were extremely glad to be part of this distinguished project, especially because we managed to gather participants from different profiles and generations, who told their stories, touched upon numerous topics and opened some important questions with their performances.
A wide range of possibilities of reading and interpretation affects our understanding of public space but also our relationship to it. We must constantly remind ourselves that this can be a space of expression and a space of freedom, but that it remains a space in which power relations are very much visible. Therefore, any displacement from it should be questioned evermore.
In the post-production phase, a video of each performance was created, and every participant prepared a text about their work, the process and motivation. Video performances are posted on Misplaced Women? Vimeo channel, and bilingual texts on “Misplaced Women?” blog.
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